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kick_ass 02-12-2010 02:10 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........

Originally Posted by Xgenre (Post 5390615)
After some time, I find myself falling for her but I kept it to myself as I was really young (14) then. Turns out my friend is interested in her too and asked me to help him. Being a person who values friendship a lot, I agreed and kept singing praises of this friend whenever I had the chance. When shee asked me why I keep saying my friend is good, I told her I'm helping him to chase her. I never forgot her face at that moment in time, she looked really disappointed. My friend and her never got together.

As we moved onto sec 3, we lost touch as she's still in the afternoon session while my friend and I were in the morning session. Tragedy struck when we discovered she was diagnosed with leukaemia. She recovered sufficiently to return to school but soon died of a relapse in 1991. It really hit me hard. I do wonder what will happen or how things might be different if I had declared my love for her in sec 2. I think of her whenever I heard Roxette's It Must Have Been Love.

Angela, I missed you... You will forever be beautiful in my eyes.

i do understand how u felt bro xgenre. after reading ur story, i wanna share something of my own experience.

i used to hv an ex couple of years back.
in the eyes of all our family & frens, we were like the perfect couple. always seem to understand each other, be there for each other.
we are indeed that couple. we will always be there for each other, always trying to surprise each other be it gifts or jus some silly little things couples usually do.
her parents hv thought of me as their future son-in-law while mine treat her as their future daughter-in-law.
it was all so sweet and perfect.

we never really seem to quarrel, even if we do, we will always try to give in to each other. i will usually give in whenever i look into her eyes.
she is always so understanding & able to read my mind all so well.
to me, she is destined to be the one, i want to spent my remaining life with.

then came a shock, she wanted a break up with no reasons given. she was avoiding me all the way. even quit her job & change her no.
i tried to find out wat went wrong & even go around asking her best pals but in vain...

i was distressed & lost as part of my life is gone. i really hated her...
i became what most guys will usually do, went on a drinking binge, even go on to "chase" other gals & breaking their hearts.
i wanted revenge. i was a bastard at that time.

abt 2yrs later, i received a call from a familiar no. it was her no!
thinking to myself better act cool & indifferent when i ans the call.
it was her mum...

her mum told me she had passed away due to leukemia 3mths back.
she had avoided me as she knws she wont be around any longer. her mum told me that she was very upset from hiding the truth & cried for several nights even asking her parents & closest fren not to tell me anything.
her mum told me she regretted for not telling me her condition, but there isnt any choice for her.

i asked her mum, why now?
3mths of her passing, she requested her mum to tell me the truth if i ever wanted to knw & also pass me a card which she pen something for me.

Excerpt frm the card: "Baby, deep in your heart you know how much i love you & wouldn't do anything to hurt you. i hope you forgive my selfishness & please take good care of yourself"

i was shocked & confused atm. requested her mum to bring me to grave.
stood there looking at her photo. a face photo which i thought i never get to see again.
for the 1st time since the day we broke up 2yrs ago, i cried.

Jovi, dont worry abt me, im doing fine. miss u always....

a song that i knw u will like & a song that i will think of u...

waiwaiz 02-12-2010 08:19 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
yo bro kick ass....thought mine was bad ,but yours really speechless........remind me of the show" bu liao qin"...

big wood 03-12-2010 11:40 AM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
wow bro kick_ass this a really sad story i think your girl really love u to death:o

TheSeeker 08-12-2010 09:22 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
Hi kickass bro,
It's been awhile since I last revisited my own personal emotions.

For some reason after reading your post, I thought of a special her, of someone who meant the world to me..

Please accept my humble 1 point, I hope you are doing well and that Jovi is safe and peaceful wherever she may be..

hotrod10 10-12-2010 02:41 AM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
After reading about some of the "lost Love" and touching lines here has struck a wound in me and I need to share my "lost" too.

I "lost" my love, who was my 1st "real" girlfriend one nite in 1988.
She is the mother of my 2 beautiful children.

Though she's still around in the house, she's has been vegetative since then and cannot communicate with us anymore.

I still kiss her "goodnite" everynite before I sleep and a "goodbye kiss" every morning before I go to work. I will also tell her about our children, the festive days and special occasions/days for us, hoping that she understands.

Though I know she may never read this or know how I feel, I have this message for her :

There's a special place in my heart reseved for her and her only and no one can ever take it away from her.

I said this to her one time when we were maybe 2 years into our courtship and it has not change since and never will.

This was our song during our courting days . . . . .

It will transport me back 20 odd years back in time without fail everytime
I hear this song played, no matter where I am or what I'm doing.

I don't know how to paste the song here so I hope the link below will do. D92E&index=15

Maybe one day I will write my story in the story section.

Sweet&Nice 10-12-2010 03:28 AM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan (Post 5394225)
Oh you can discuss reincarnation and looking into her eyes and speaking softly...

" You know if I could choose to come back as anything, do you know what I'd like to be in my next life?"

GF:"haha.. what's lah ?"

You: I'd want to be one of your tears."(obviously caught off guard)

GF: "Why leh?"

You: "So that I would be born into your eyes mah..." (brush hair away from her face, act blur)

and "Live...on your cheek." (caress her face unknowningly with your hands)

"and die..." (kiss her) "on your lips."

Haha.. :D

情圣. If a guy ever says that to me or something like that. I would die sweetly immediately in his arms....hmmmm sweet

joew2005 10-12-2010 06:16 AM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
there is tis song -

i'll leave u along
so hv a great life
say it properly
look @ me
look in2 my eyes & say it
why did u say goodbye?
do u 1 2 end it between us?
(i know) u've got a new gal ........

noboxer 16-12-2010 11:16 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........

Originally Posted by goodpartner (Post 5393279)
To all the Girls I ever fuck before:
Though our hearts may never meet,
Or friends and FB we can only be,
You'll always be the flower that blossom within me.

That's a good one. I like that....:)

mints&cream 21-12-2010 02:58 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
Wanna share something that had happened to me early this year. Well, it wasn't exactly someone close to me, in fact he is just a complete stranger to me. But somehow our paths cross just for a mere few hours on that night.....

I was suppose to be meeting a girlfriend for a late night show after our previous separate engagements. (Mine is kbox with some friends and she is at some club with her friends).

Sitting outside the mall, i called my friend.
Me: eh char bor, where r u? I finish kbox le..What time u want to meet me?
Friend: Oh..okok coming coming i take taxi down...Give me 15mins ar...
So, meanwhile i just sit there and wait, fiddle with my iphone, play some games, did some msning. Checked my watch, 15mins le where is my friend?..Nevermind, maybe the queue for the cab is long. I look around me, hoping to see my friend,nope, no sign of her. However i noticed a guy,rather cute and tall on sitting on my left just like 2m away from me. He was staring at his phone all the time, not sms-ing nor playing anything, just staring at it. And looking very forlorn. I guess he sense me looking at his direction as he turn his head to face me, i looked away immediately. Shy mah...

I looked at my watch again. 25mins le..Called my friend..
Me: where r u?!! (Was slightly piss as i could hear loud music in the background--My friend still in the club? Wth?!!)
Friend: sorry sorry...cannot meet you la..abit drunk and feel tired...You want to join me here or not? Come la..after that we take taxi home together (We live quite close to each other)...Wan or not?
Me: (Voice abit raised and angry). Wa liao, You know i don't drink one what...anyway if you can't come just now should tell me mah...Let me wait half an hour for you..never call me somemore...
Friend: paiseh la...treat you dinner and movie next time...
(Shall not bored you guys with the details :D)

Anyway after I hang up, I was sitting there wondering whether to watch the movie alone or go home when I heard a "HEY" from the guy on my left.
Me: (smile sheepishly) Hii!!
Guy: Friend stood u up?
Me: Yap...What to do...You? Waiting for gf?
(At this time, we both move to sit closer..keke)
Guy: *silent for quite some time, keep staring at his phone* I think she's not coming..
Me: 2 quarrel?
Guy: No... *silence*
Me: *I also keep quiet* ;)

We keep quiet for like 10secs then he say...
Guy: Hey, ask u ...Do you mind if your bf is not rich? suddenly stunned..Why suddenly ask me this? Me: Rich or not is not the 1st priority la ..Of course rich is a bonus but if not I dun mind la...But must be jiao ta shi di (feet touch earth) must have a stable job...and most importantly i must feel that he really love me...
*Me pause for a few seconds*
Me: .....mmmm actually what i have just told you is just a politically correct answer....
Me and guy: *LOL...LOL....LOL*

The laugh after my last sentence was an ice breaking point for both of us. From then on we just chat and chat...Like watch any good movies, what iphone apps you have and so on...Then he revealed that he has been waiting for his girlfriend and if she does not turn up tonight he might not see her ever again. Anyway, Long story cut short short.They have been dating for a good few years and apparently recently the girl brought guy back for a meet-the-parents-session. Girl's family had objected to the r/s as he is not well-to-do. Girl's family is very rich and forbade them to be together. Tonight he has asked her out for a last meeting together as the next day she is gonna fly to a far far place to study. I felt so sorry for him.

Time flies..soon its like 3am in the morning. We had been chatting for like 5hrs?!! In these few hours we have shared alot of ourselves including some dark secrets hidden in our hearts. We shared our views on a vast range of topics from the president of USA to north korea to music to books to BGR to sex to tattoos...Some topics hit a raw nerve in us but we never once stop talking and laughing........Its like talking to a long-lost friend

Soon, its eyes were closing...He shrugged when i asked him how long is he going to wait. Maybe till her flight time i guess... I bade him good bye and good luck to him and flagged down a cab and leave....................

I have never open myself up so much to a complete stranger and vice versa for him too. Two complete strangers life path cross each other for a ever so brief time yet the impact to me is astounding. We most probably won't bump into each other again and I just wanna thank him for the insights he had given me and touch a raw nerve in me that i never knew had exist. :)

Thanks to anyone who read this long-winded encounter...:o

waiwaiz 21-12-2010 05:38 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
o.after reading for a while then i realize u is a sister........haha kind of confuse thought gay guy pick u up..........thks for sharing.........this thread is abt missing someone. So u kinda miss him? Regret for not xhanging ctc?

Xgenre 21-12-2010 05:50 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........

Originally Posted by mints&cream (Post 5514375)
Two complete strangers life path cross each other for a ever so brief time yet the impact to me is astounding. We most probably won't bump into each other again and I just wanna thank him for the insights he had given me and touch a raw nerve in me that i never knew had exist. :)

A lot of the posts here are separated by death. We are saying things to someone we miss and can never reach again. Both of you are young, healthy and have iphones. Phone number, facebook, msn messenger, yak etc. It's an irony that both of you own phones with modern technology and yet didn't try to keep in touch, despite the deep impressions that both left on each other.

Sister, this thread is to say something to somebody u miss. Your post is about saying something to somebody you should not be missing because you could have chosen to keep in touch. What a waste of fate. Are you regretting not asking for a way to keep in touch with him? If I were you, I will regret.

waiwaiz 21-12-2010 06:53 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
Let me share another encounter of a gd friend i miss.:o

Xmas coming.....remind me of one of my friend(gal) wife of one of my mahjong n chor dai dee kaki. Get to know her when we both very young, i was like 21 n she maybe 15. Not really close friend, soon we lost touch. Years later meet up again.only to know shes dating one of my kakis. Group of friends of mine will always meet up once or twice for karaoke or mahjong n since shes dating my friend, she usually around........... Fast forward..after a few years, both them got married.
They got a daughter and later a son.......their marriage was fine in the beginning,till my friend start some karaoke n pub business. Soon their problem arises due to different lifestyle..... Quarreling leads to fighting to separate room to move out of house(my friend).. Things got quite bad, but we as a outsider, cant really know n do much, except to gv some advice. Very soon my friend wanted out of this marriage, so wanted a divorce. Wife didnt agreed, so turned to cold war...

One day(24th dec) i receive a call from her. Nothing usual as we sms or chat often on phone........but this time the conversation seem abit strange as it touches or subject of how long I've know her, those young n playful days to all the fun during all our Xmas gathering. Gathering only to stop when their marriage turned sour. She even disclosed to me that my friend had another gal to force her to divorce him.......We chat abt half an hour, me consoling her all the time n b4 ending told her will send her greeting sms on xmas day. ( we use to do that).
On Xmas day i send a greeting msg to her.....she didnt reply. Never think much abt it as when i person is stress, they usually dont bother with this kind of things. Few hour later. i receive a sms from one of my friend.

" Exxxx( wife name) commit suicide last nite(xmas eve). She took sleeping pill. pass away in hospital.........

I was quite shocked to hear that. Couldnt believe she did that.

At the wake....theres rumor around. Some say she(wife) got bf outside b4 my friend started another relationship with another gal. Some say my friend started it 1st...We never get to know as we didnt wanna ask my friend. Some even suspect that the guy was one of our very own kaki....Coz at the wake a few of our kakis didnt turn up....*.strange*

Till today, we never know the actual reason for her to seek suicide, husband refused to disclose, so its only guessing on our part. Obviously she didnt get to receive my xmas sms .........wondering if i should have done more during our last chat.......

Its being 5 yrs since she left us on Xmas eve....Exxx , i will think of u when ever xmas is round the corner . U may not read this.but still juz wanna wish u a "MERRY XMAS" n a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" where ever u are.........
Can never forget those fun we have during those good old day.....Things is never the same any more in our gathering without u.......

miss u alot.......Exxxx

mints&cream 21-12-2010 07:03 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
Yeah i guess kind of regreted not exchanging contacts. Well, firstly he never ask for mine, though we had a good laugh/talk but i presume the thought of not seeing his gf anymore weigh more heavily on his mind than anything else...2ndly, at 5am in the morning i must say my mind wasn't at its best, mentality at that time was like "if he ask for my contact i will give if he don't then nvm la...Iam not that desperate kind of attitude". 3rdly, maybe Iam not pretty enough thats why he didnt want my contact? :D....Hahaha...However the regret did came slowly over the days and i realize i miss talking to him. If only i had ask him for his number.......

hamsapkwai 21-12-2010 08:57 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
maan that`s sad :o

electricdreams 23-12-2010 06:36 PM

Re: say something to somebody u miss........
Great to know that despite whatever form of horniness we have, we are a bunch of romantic, nice men! Great songs and feelings you have.

Big Cheers!

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