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Old 17-05-2018, 01:44 AM
emircheng emircheng is offline
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emircheng deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: 3 Simple rules for Whoremongers.

Sorry I should have been more detailed but bear with me. It's a long story. It takes place in Japan. So I met this girl at a walk in. She spoke English and I was lonely that day. Came back a second time. Those were the only 2 times j had sex with her. Then she gave me her line. I go to see her every few months or so. It got strange because I think I fell in love and only wanted to talk to her and booked a lot of time. I hired her like an escort to go around with me but no sex. Which she was baffled. She has a kid and the child support laws sucks there so she chose this la. From the birthday cakes to the valentine's chocolates, I genuinely believed she liked me as she said she did. But her messaging usually sucks every few days. Sometimes even 2 weeks. Her excuse I don't like to talk much with people. She then talks a lot when I'm about to go which is suspicious by this point. I went to see her a last time ditching my exam revision (I'm a student) yes weird I know. Why it was the last time because she said she was going to quit. So throughout my last days with her I asked her if she was going to ditch me after this and I was scared as hell that she would she said I won't run aways promise. Gave me an email but then 2 days after I came back she started to ignore me and then when I waited a few days later she blocked me on line and her email became non existent. She can't have every sticker or theme on the line store. Is it stupid if I go back to the store and maybe ask one of her bosses who liked me a lot why she ran because I want to know why even after I confessed. Yes she didn't accept not like I didn't see that coming. But really to run after saying I was her friend and everything. I guess all the birthday,Christmas presents and other things were just a lie. And she also rwfsued pics with me only those starnge machine pics in arcades. Please tell me what I can do besides dropping it because I can only think of that